Nigeria (Africa) Inseguridad del país por elecciones estatales
Nigeria celebrará elecciones estatales y federales entre el 25 de febrero y el 11 de marzo. Debe mantenerse alejado de cualquier acto político antes, durante y después de estas fechas. El día de las elecciones está prohibido viajar en automóvil.
Kenia (Africa) Alerta de inseguridad en Kenia emitida por la embajada de Estados Unidos
Por motivos de seguridad, Estados Unidos ha aconsejado que se evite visitar seis condados kenianos. Los condados de Elgeyo Marakwet, Laikipia, West Pokot, Samburu, Turkana y Baringo son algunos de los seis.
Nigeria (Africa) Insecurity in the country due to state elections
Nigeria is slated to hold state and federal elections between February 25 and March 11. Violence in connection with elections is highly likely. You should stay away from any political events and websites related to elections before, during, and after this time. On election day, motor vehicle travel is prohibited.
Kenia (Africa) Security alert from the US advises citizens not to travel to certain areas of the Rift Valley.
Due to security concerns, the United States (U.S.) has advised its nationals avoid visiting six Kenyan counties. Elgeyo Marakwet, Laikipia, West Pokot, Samburu, Turkana, and Baringo counties are among the six.