Jamaica. Aumento de riesgo de seguridad personal.
En relación al incremento de riesgo de seguridad personal en Jamaica, el Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores ha emitido una advertencia desaconsejando la presencia en determinadas áreas de Kingston y St. Andrew Paris debido al alto riesgo que representan en términos de seguridad. Es importante destacar que algunas de estas áreas han sido declaradas previamente como zonas en estado de emergencia.
Las áreas mencionadas son las siguientes: Cassava Piece, Downtown Kingston (entre Mountain View Avenue y Hagley Park Road, sur de Half Way Tree y Old Hope Road; Arnett Gardens, Cockburn Gardens, Denham Town, Olympic Gardens, Seaview Gardens, Trench Town y Tivoli Gardens), Duhaney Park, Grants Pen, Sandpipe, Swallowfield, Elleston Flats, August Town, St. Catherine (Spanish Town, Central Village y ciertas áreas de Portmore: Naggo Head, New Land, Old Braeton y Waterford), St. James (Barrett Town, Cambridge, Canterbury, Clavers Street, Flankers, Glendevon, Hart Street, Norwood, Paradise Heights, Rose Height, Springmount y Johns Hall) y Westmoreland (comunidad de Russia en Savanna-la-Mar y zona de Whitehall, al este de Negril).
Es importante recordar que como parte de las medidas adoptadas para reforzar la seguridad, se mantiene la declaración de estas áreas como «Zonas de Operaciones Especiales». Además, se ha observado un aumento en los casos de agresiones sexuales a turistas estadounidenses y británicas en sus hoteles, por lo que se insta a las mujeres a tomar precauciones especiales. Se recomienda utilizar exclusivamente taxis reservados por el hotel, asegurar las puertas en los alojamientos y evitar por completo transitar solas por la noche.
Asimismo, se desaconseja utilizar los llamados «route taxis» (taxis de ruta) y se sugiere optar por el uso de taxis de confianza.
Debido al incremento de robos relacionados con el uso de aplicaciones de citas, se recomienda extremar las precauciones, ya que los extranjeros podrían ser objetivos de redes criminales. Es importante no proporcionar datos personales en los perfiles.
Jamaica. Increased personal security risk.
In relation to the increased personal security risk in Jamaica, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has issued a warning advising against presence in certain areas of Kingston and St. Andrew Paris due to the high security risk they pose. It is important to note that some of these areas have previously been declared a state of emergency.
The areas mentioned are as follows: Cassava Piece, Downtown Kingston (between Mountain View Avenue and Hagley Park Road, south of Half Way Tree and Old Hope Road; Arnett Gardens, Cockburn Gardens, Denham Town, Olympic Gardens, Seaview Gardens, Trench Town and Tivoli Gardens), Duhaney Park, Grants Pen, Sandpipe, Swallowfield, Elleston Flats, August Town, St. Catherine (Spanish Town, Central Village and Central Village), St. Catherine (Spanish Town, Central Village and St. Andrew Paris). St. Catherine (Spanish Town, Central Village and certain areas of Portmore: Naggo Head, New Land, Old Braeton and Waterford), St. James (Barrett Town, Cambridge, Canterbury, Clavers Street, Flankers, Glendevon, Hart Street, Norwood, Paradise Heights, Rose Height, Springmount and Johns Hall) and Westmoreland (Russia community in Savanna-la-Mar and Whitehall area, east of Negril).
It is important to recall that as part of the measures taken to strengthen security, these areas continue to be declared «Special Operations Zones». In addition, there has been an increase in cases of sexual assaults on American and British tourists in their hotels and women are urged to take special precautions. It is recommended to use only taxis booked by the hotel, to lock the doors of accommodation and to avoid travelling alone at night.
Also, the use of so-called «route taxis» is discouraged and it is suggested to opt for the use of trustworthy taxis.
Due to the increase in robberies related to the use of dating apps, extreme caution is recommended, as foreigners could be targeted by criminal networks. It is important not to provide personal details in profiles.