An updated list of COVID entry rules for every European country The list of the EU/EEA countries that have lifted all of their COOVID-related entry rules and now permit restriction-free entry to all travellers regardless of their country of origin is as follows:...

Recife, Brasil: Inundaciones y evacuaciones

Las fuertes lluvias han provocado inundaciones y daños en el noreste de Brasil, quedando afectados los estados de Alagoas, Paraiba y Pernambuco.El Instituto Nacional de Meteorología (Inmet) ha emitido alertas naranjas (nivel medio en una escala de tres niveles) por...

Recife, Brazil. Flooding and evacuations Heavy rainfall has resulted in flooding and damage across Alagoas, Paraiba, and Pernambuco states. The National Institute of Meteorology (Inmet) has issued orange (middle level on a three-tier scale) heavy rainfall warnings...

Flooding and evacuations ongoing across northeastern Brazil Heavy rainfall has resulted in flooding and damage across Alagoas, Paraiba, and Pernambuco states. The National Institute of Meteorology (Inmet) has issued orange (middle level on a three-tier scale) heavy...

Inundaciones y evacuaciones en el noreste de Brasil

Las fuertes lluvias han provocado inundaciones y daños en el noreste de Brasil, quedando afectados los estados de Alagoas, Paraiba y Pernambuco.El Instituto Nacional de Meteorología (Inmet) ha emitido alertas naranjas (nivel medio en una escala de tres niveles) por...