Aer Lingus cancel flights to and from Dublin Airport due to system fault Aer Lingus has been forced to cancel all flights scheduled from Dublin Airport to all European and UK destinations from 2pm due to a major incident with a network provider. The company said a...
Algunos sindicatos que representan a los trabajadores del transporte aéreo, del sector aeroportuario y de las actividades satélites de los aeropuertos italianos, han confirmado para el lunes 12 de septiembre una huelga de 24 horas. La protesta podría afectar al...
Italy. Workers of the air transport and airport sector and airport satellite activities strike on 12 September Some unions representing workers of the air transport, airport sector and airport satellite activities have confirmed for Monday 12 September a 24-hour...
Tras el fallecimiento de Su Majestad la Reina Isabel II, el Reino Unido iniciará un periodo de luto. Durante este tiempo, es probable que se produzcan importantes interrupciones en los servicios en todo el Reino Unido. Habrá grandes aglomeraciones al reunirse la gente...
Likely disruptions to services throughout the United Kingdom Following the death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second, the United Kingdom will commence a mourning period. During this time, there will likely be substantial disruptions to services across the UK....
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