The health checks to be carried out at the points of entry into Spain are modified. On 6 April the resolution @sanidadgob was published in the BOE modifying the sanitary controls to be carried out at the points of entry to Spain. Only passengers who do not have a EU...

Últimas actualizaciones. Latest updates. 7 abr 22 Oriente Medio Emiratos Árabes Unidos Las personas que se hayan vacunado contra el COVID-19 no tendrán que someterse a la prueba del COVID-19 ni a la cuarentena cuando lleguen a los EAU. Se debe ser precavido, estar...

Severe severe weather is expected in the southern United States, causing delays at some major airports. Strong storms sweeping through the Southern US dropped trees and power lines and may have spawned tornadoes — with more severe weather possible as the system...

Últimas actualizaciones. Latest updates. 6 abr 22 Europa Polonia  No entre en Ucrania desde Polonia. Hay que seguir siempre los consejos de las autoridades locales. En la frontera polaca, no hay requisitos de entrada COVID-19. En todos los pasos fronterizos ucranianos...